Sunday, September 09, 2007

hash_map band aid

Until TR1 is widely available, I'm using this wrapper to construct hash maps using the hash_maps distributed with Visual C++ and GCC. I thought it might be useful for someone else, so here goes.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <hash_map>
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#include <ext/hash_map>

template <typename K> struct default_hash {};

template <> struct default_hash<int> {
 size_t operator()(int v) const
    { return size_t(v); }

template <> struct default_hash<unsigned int> {
 size_t operator()(unsigned int v) const
    { return size_t(v); }

#if defined(_MSC_VER)

template <
 typename KeyType,
 typename ValueType,
 class HashFun = default_hash<KeyType>
struct HashMapOf
 struct Traits
  static const size_t bucket_size = 4;
  static const size_t min_buckets = 8;

  HashFun hasher;

  inline size_t operator()
    (const KeyType& key) const
   return hasher(key);

  inline bool operator()
     (const KeyType& lhs,
      const KeyType& rhs) const
   return lhs < rhs;

 typedef stdext::hash_map<
    Traits> Type;

#elif defined(__GNUC__)

template <
 typename KeyType,
 typename ValueType,
 class HashFun = default_hash<KeyType>
struct HashMapOf
 typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<
    HashFun> Type;

# error Unsupported toolchain.