Thursday, January 22, 2009

ReadyNAS NV+ UPS monitoring

I just got one of these and a APC Smart-UPS 750 to back it up along with my little version control server at home. The ReadyNAS uses nut so it was pretty easy to make it slave to the Linux server which is polling the UPS status. Unfortunately the ReadyNAS only allows you to specify a master IP, but it works fine if you hardcode the user name, password and UPS name it expects: /etc/nut/upsd.users [monuser] password pass allowfrom = local remote upsmon master /etc/nut/ups.conf [UPS] driver = apcsmart port = /dev/ttyS0 desc = "APC Smart-UPS 750" (Remote above should be configured as an ACL for your LAN.) With these setting it's just a matter of entering your UPS monitoring master's IP in the ReadyNAS configuration frontend and it will connect. A quick battery test shows that the events cascade from the master to the ReadyNAS:
Thu Jan 22 00:57:00 CET 2009UPS is on line power.
Thu Jan 22 00:56:51 CET 2009UPS is on battery power.
You even get popups in the frontend!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Glad that you enjoy using APC Smart-UPS. We also use that for the protection of our server and computers. Thanks for sharing.
